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CPC-H Accelerated Course?

Sue H

PBC Student (CPC®)
CCO Club Member
FBC Student (CPC-H®)
So, do you guys offer an accelerated course like AAPC does? They have a half-time course for those who already have their CPC.

I liked taking the CPC course thru CCO; the added benefits were very - well - beneficial. ::grin:: So I'd like to take the CPC-H thru you, too. But I don't want to spend time retaking stuff I just finished.

BTW, I just took my CPC test Saturday (the 22nd). I think I did OK; I guess I'll find out in a few days. ::nervous grin::


Alicia Scott

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Let us know that you passed Sue. We sure do have an accelerated portion. Send a note to the [email protected] and Sylvia can get the information for you.

Carolyn Heath

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I am thinking about taking the CPC-H exam myself. I, too, will send Help Desk for the information.

Alicia Scott

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Carolyn that is a great idea. How is the HCC coding going? I had not heard in a while from you.

Carolyn Heath

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Sorry I have not been on here as much, but I had a lot going on in the last several weeks. To bring everyone up to date of what I have been doing lately:

In January, Aviacode decided to release me from the HCC project. Their client was complaining that they were spending too much time doing QA and less time on productivity. For that past two months, now three months, I have been unemployed and looking for another opportunity. In the meantime, I decided to go back to school to get a degree in medical coding and one of the schools I made contact with last year called me and wanted me to come down and talk to them about getting register in their medical program. I registered, got my classes straight, transfer my credits from another school which they accepted, and I am now attending classes. I am only taking two classes a week, but I am loaded with homework for the rest of the week. I am getting an Associate degree in Medical Insurance, Billing, and Coding. I plan on getting my CPB, CPC-H, and possibly either a CCS or a CCS-P certifications after I graduate. One good thing about this course is that I will be getting an externship in medical coding and I am looking forward to it.

So, that is what I have been doing in a nutshell.

Rosetta D

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Sorry I have not been on here as much, but I had a lot going on in the last several weeks. To bring everyone up to date of what I have been doing lately:

In January, Aviacode decided to release me from the HCC project. Their client was complaining that they were spending too much time doing QA and less time on productivity. For that past two months, now three months, I have been unemployed and looking for another opportunity. In the meantime, I decided to go back to school to get a degree in medical coding and one of the schools I made contact with last year called me and wanted me to come down and talk to them about getting register in their medical program. I registered, got my classes straight, transfer my credits from another school which they accepted, and I am now attending classes. I am only taking two classes a week, but I am loaded with homework for the rest of the week. I am getting an Associate degree in Medical Insurance, Billing, and Coding. I plan on getting my CPB, CPC-H, and possibly either a CCS or a CCS-P certifications after I graduate. One good thing about this course is that I will be getting an externship in medical coding and I am looking forward to it.

So, that is what I have been doing in a nutshell.
Wow Carolyn sounds like you have been busy!!! Are you going to a local school---or is it online type of learning?
I wish you the best !!!!

Alicia Scott

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Carolyn I have missed you. How exciting to start that program. You have a lot on your plate but I suspect you are loving it.


Well-Known Member
PBC Student (CPC®)
CCO Practicoder
Sorry I have not been on here as much, but I had a lot going on in the last several weeks. To bring everyone up to date of what I have been doing lately:

In January, Aviacode decided to release me from the HCC project. Their client was complaining that they were spending too much time doing QA and less time on productivity. For that past two months, now three months, I have been unemployed and looking for another opportunity. In the meantime, I decided to go back to school to get a degree in medical coding and one of the schools I made contact with last year called me and wanted me to come down and talk to them about getting register in their medical program. I registered, got my classes straight, transfer my credits from another school which they accepted, and I am now attending classes. I am only taking two classes a week, but I am loaded with homework for the rest of the week. I am getting an Associate degree in Medical Insurance, Billing, and Coding. I plan on getting my CPB, CPC-H, and possibly either a CCS or a CCS-P certifications after I graduate. One good thing about this course is that I will be getting an externship in medical coding and I am looking forward to it.

So, that is what I have been doing in a nutshell.
You are a busy little bee. Great that you will be getting an externship. Good luck to you and how exciting taking courses. You will do just fine.

Carolyn Heath

Well-Known Member
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I am going to a local school about 15 minutes from where I live and I love the school. I am taking the electives in the day and the medical insurance, billing, and coding classes will be taken at night. Right now I am taking Social Psychology and Ethics and there is a lot of writing between these two classes. I am taking Social Psychology on campus and Ethics is both online with 1 hour on campus. There is also a learning organized system where you can get your assignments and post them for the instructor to see and grade. So far I am doing very well with them.

Alicia Scott

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When I took those classes I remember a lot of writing also. Actually enjoyed them but I didn't think I would at first.

Carolyn Heath

Well-Known Member
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CCO Practicoder
Got my midterm grade for Social Psychology and it is an A. Hope I can keep it that way for the final grade. I will get the final grade for my second class (Principles of Ethics) because it is an online course with 1 hour of class on campus.

Alicia Scott

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Good for you Carolyn. I didn't think I would like the Ethics courses I took but I did actually.

Alicia Scott

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Sylvia sent you the link. Here it is again to sign up for just the "H" portion.
It is located in the same place as the full FBC course. Tammy will be your instructor. She rocks and you are going to love it.
For Existing or Former PBC Students $697

Upgrade Your Career with the CPC-H® Certification

Sue H

PBC Student (CPC®)
CCO Club Member
FBC Student (CPC-H®)
Ah! I knew about the link... when I asked if I should use the link or not, you told me not to, to go thru Sylvia directly. I must have misunderstood. Sorry for the acrimony.


Alicia Scott

Moderator, CCO Instructor
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FBC Student (CPC-H®)
You did right. I thought Sylvia had a link for just you but it seems that was not correct. I think I am the one that was causing the confusion. :)