CPC-H® exam prep course by the way is $300 off right now. Let me take you to that page.
Alicia: Laureen, can you explain. I know there are some questions going up about this CPC-H, can you let them know what that qualifies you to do because there’s a little bit of confusion, I think, with them.
Laureen: Yeah. The “H” is for those that want to work in an outpatient hospital setting. On the sales page that we have here, here’s a special, but I want to show you a graphic that we pulled the information from the AAPC salary survey. CPCs get paid well for – consider you don’t really have to have a college education. You just need to be a certified coder. Even coders who aren’t certified still make a decent salary not as much as certified. But look at the CPC-H difference.
Alicia: Mind you when she says outpatient, she’s talking surgery centers and they pop up all over the place, guys. These are gastric bypass centers, weight loss centers. People that do just orthopedic work, stuff like that. Right, Laureen?
Laureen: Yes, that would be included, absolutely. Now, it’s not to say that these centers won’t hire CPCs, but for whatever reason when the salary survey is done and people have that “H”, they are earning increased salary. Can I get both credentials? Absolutely. I mean, it can get a little ridiculous, you can have too many what I call, Girl Scout badges; but CPC, CPC-H looks very impressive. The CPC, if you’re in the know, tells that person that you are proficient at ICD and CPT coding for physician and outpatient from that perspective. The “H” tells that person that you know that plus the reimbursement aspect of outpatient stuff. You understand outpatient perspective payment systems and information like that.
CPC-H® exam prep- VIDEO
So, this course is basically about 24 chapters. You can come on this page and look at all the details but half of it is on coding and half of it is in reimbursement. So, if you are already an existing CPC or you’ve taken our course, you can waive half. But the deal is, everything is from the AAPC. That’s up. We add our own little touch. I add my own videos. The course is uploaded,we’ve already gotten enrollments, but my videos aren’t up yet and I’m working on that. We’ve been having construction done at my home, so I hope to get my studio back to make some more videos. So, the $300 is off until I get my lectures done. It could be next week; it could be April 1st. So get in and get it for $697 instead of $997.
Alicia: Right. And in the past, you had to be a CPC before you get another – like in CPC-H; it’s not like that anymore. That’s a good change, isn’t it?
Laureen: That is true for the specialties.
Alicia: Right.
Laureen: But the CPC-H is considered a core credential like the CPC. So, you could get it on its own before but… So, that’s about the “H.”
CPC-H® exam prep – VIDEO
CPC-H® exam prep
CPC-H® exam prep – AAPChttps://www.cco.us/medical-coding-training/
Read More https://www.cco.us/cpc-h-exam-prep-course/
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Alicia: Laureen, can you explain. I know there are some questions going up about this CPC-H, can you let them know what that qualifies you to do because there’s a little bit of confusion, I think, with them.
Laureen: Yeah. The “H” is for those that want to work in an outpatient hospital setting. On the sales page that we have here, here’s a special, but I want to show you a graphic that we pulled the information from the AAPC salary survey. CPCs get paid well for – consider you don’t really have to have a college education. You just need to be a certified coder. Even coders who aren’t certified still make a decent salary not as much as certified. But look at the CPC-H difference.
Alicia: Mind you when she says outpatient, she’s talking surgery centers and they pop up all over the place, guys. These are gastric bypass centers, weight loss centers. People that do just orthopedic work, stuff like that. Right, Laureen?
Laureen: Yes, that would be included, absolutely. Now, it’s not to say that these centers won’t hire CPCs, but for whatever reason when the salary survey is done and people have that “H”, they are earning increased salary. Can I get both credentials? Absolutely. I mean, it can get a little ridiculous, you can have too many what I call, Girl Scout badges; but CPC, CPC-H looks very impressive. The CPC, if you’re in the know, tells that person that you are proficient at ICD and CPT coding for physician and outpatient from that perspective. The “H” tells that person that you know that plus the reimbursement aspect of outpatient stuff. You understand outpatient perspective payment systems and information like that.
CPC-H® exam prep- VIDEO
So, this course is basically about 24 chapters. You can come on this page and look at all the details but half of it is on coding and half of it is in reimbursement. So, if you are already an existing CPC or you’ve taken our course, you can waive half. But the deal is, everything is from the AAPC. That’s up. We add our own little touch. I add my own videos. The course is uploaded,we’ve already gotten enrollments, but my videos aren’t up yet and I’m working on that. We’ve been having construction done at my home, so I hope to get my studio back to make some more videos. So, the $300 is off until I get my lectures done. It could be next week; it could be April 1st. So get in and get it for $697 instead of $997.
Alicia: Right. And in the past, you had to be a CPC before you get another – like in CPC-H; it’s not like that anymore. That’s a good change, isn’t it?
Laureen: That is true for the specialties.
Alicia: Right.
Laureen: But the CPC-H is considered a core credential like the CPC. So, you could get it on its own before but… So, that’s about the “H.”
CPC-H® exam prep – VIDEO
CPC-H® exam prep
CPC-H® exam prep – AAPChttps://www.cco.us/medical-coding-training/

Read More https://www.cco.us/cpc-h-exam-prep-course/
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