CPC Exam Review Blitz product has extra videos not recorded during the live Blitz that provide compliance and regulatory information.
Listening and learning from these videos should give you the information you need. Not only that, but when you use and study the Blitz, you will get a lot of great information to help you pass the exam in all the areas which you have had difficulties in the past, but also info on how to Bubble and Highlight your CPC manual, and a 60 question practice exam -- to name a few benefits.
You could also purchase the study guide from AAPC. My copy of the "Official CPC Certification Study Guide" is from 2011, but the chapter on "The Business of Medicine" (about 10 pages) covered the compliance and regulatory information. (You could call them to be sure this info is still in the current study guide but I'd be really surprised if it is not because it is still part of the exam.)
Happy studying! Good luck when you take your next exam!