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CCS-P Exam Prep question

Tina Reynolds

New Member
I have been studying to take the AHIMA CCS-P exam scheduled for the 20th of this month. I have the Blitz Videos and I am also using 2012 Professional Review guide for the CCS-P Examination. I have been practicing with the Case Study coding reviews and one in particular I do not understand. It is for an ER visit:
Admitting Dx: Abdominal Pain
Discharge Dx: Abdominal pain, hemoptysis, nausea and vomiting

The report does state chief complaint as vomiting of blood and there is additional documentation throughout the mock report that states vomiting of blood no coughing up blood is reported.

I coded Dx for all discharge diagnoses listed but answer key says to code hematemesis not hemoptysis. Am I missing something or does this seem like a text error?

Alicia Scott

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This could be an error but the key is in the definition of hemoptysis. If it is Hematemesis is to is going to be like coffee grounds or it has to be noted that the blood is coming from the gastric tract. Hemaptysis is coughing it up so it comes from the lungs or esophagus. I would say that you go with the Discharge DX of hemoptysis unless the doctor is specific that it is from emesis. It would be something you would want to clarify with the doc. Make sure you read any specifics in your manual around the two different codes. Guidelines is what they test on after all. They me trying to trip you up. I don't have a manual in front of me at them moment but will look it up later.