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EM CCO Practice Exam Question - Is your answer key correct?


Well-Known Member
104. This 70-year-old male is taken to the emergency room with severe chest pain. The physician provided an expanded problem-focused history and examination. While the physician is examining the patient, his pressures drop and he goes into cardiac arrest. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is given to the patient, and his pressure returns to normal; he is transferred to the intensive care unit in critical condition. Code the cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the diagnosis. The medical decision making was of low complexity.

a. 99282, 92950,427.5

b. 99283, 92970, 427.5

c. 92950, 427.5

d. 92960, 427.5

  • According to your answer key the answer is C. Why would the answer not be A since clearly "to me" there is a HEM here?
Thanks, Tiffany

Carolyn Heath

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Tiffany, I would have to agree with you that A would be the correct answer. There is documentation of HEM. CPR that was given to the patient was also documented. Sometimes books can be wrong. Are you taking a class? If so, talk to your instructor. When I was taking my PMCC class, we found a lot of wrong answers in the book we were using.

Ruth Sheets

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If a question comes from a CCO product or one that we sell, please email [email protected], specifying which practice exam it comes from. Thanks.


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I've heard that there aren't actually "trick" questions...but I'm wondering if maybe this one comes pretty close. It includes HEM info but instructs to code just the CPR and diagnosis. That's just my guess though.

@ Ruth: Are you letting us know that if we question a CCO exam answer, that it is preferred that we contact https://www.cco.us/cco-helpdesk-request/ instead of using the forum to seek clarification? Likely to preserve the integrity of the exam for others who have not yet taken it? And so we shouldn't expect to see the explanation to this question here?

Ruth Sheets

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I've heard that there aren't actually "trick" questions...but I'm wondering if maybe this one comes pretty close. It includes HEM info but instructs to code just the CPR and diagnosis. That's just my guess though.

@ Ruth: Are you letting us know that if we question a CCO exam answer, that it is preferred that we contact [email protected] instead of using the forum to seek clarification? Likely to preserve the integrity of the exam for others who have not yet taken it? And so we shouldn't expect to see the explanation to this question here?

@Luna, This is true, that we shouldn't be putting the practice exam questions on the forum because they 1) shouldn't be seen by others who haven't taken the exam and 2) these types of questions are usually copyrighted so you have to treat them as material that should not be out on a public forum. I couldn't find which test this was from... we have several products for practice questions. Once we know that, if a correction is needed, we will obtain a correction from the author so others won't have to deal with any errors. Yes, the helpdesk is the way to go for these types of issues.


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@Luna, This is true, that we shouldn't be putting the practice exam questions on the forum because they 1) shouldn't be seen by others who haven't taken the exam and 2) these types of questions are usually copyrighted so you have to treat them as material that should not be out on a public forum. I couldn't find which test this was from... we have several products for practice questions. Once we know that, if a correction is needed, we will obtain a correction from the author so others won't have to deal with any errors. Yes, the helpdesk is the way to go for these types of issues.
That makes sense to me and I'll keep that in mind in future. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone - and yes - this comes from the CCO practice exam. I am not a student but I am a Blitz student and order the CCO practice exam with my Blitz from Laureen. This is not the only question that I found to be either "tricky" or just not right. I will post and so send to the help desk.. Thanks everyone!!


Well-Known Member
@Luna, This is true, that we shouldn't be putting the practice exam questions on the forum because they 1) shouldn't be seen by others who haven't taken the exam and 2) these types of questions are usually copyrighted so you have to treat them as material that should not be out on a public forum. I couldn't find which test this was from... we have several products for practice questions. Once we know that, if a correction is needed, we will obtain a correction from the author so others won't have to deal with any errors. Yes, the helpdesk is the way to go for these types of issues.
Hello Ruth - I put his on the site because I also do not get a quick response from the help desk - I have posted other questions there and have not received a response and since I am taking my test soon and using this as a study guide I wanted to get an answer right away. And like I said before this is not the only question that brought us concerns. I will send the other "test questions" to the help desk and hope to receive a response.


Well-Known Member
Tiffany, I would have to agree with you that A would be the correct answer. There is documentation of HEM. CPR that was given to the patient was also documented. Sometimes books can be wrong. Are you taking a class? If so, talk to your instructor. When I was taking my PMCC class, we found a lot of wrong answers in the book we were using.
Thanks - this concerns me a little:oops:

Carolyn Heath

Well-Known Member
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CCO Practicoder
Tiffany, our PMCC class was the first class to be using the book since we started at the beginning of the year and the book was a new book for the year. At least, the instructors had the correct answers for the next class which came near the end of the year and I often wondered if the second class disagreed with the answers that was found by the first class. My PMCC class was in 2010.

Rosetta D

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I have come across a few trick questions --but since this one says "Code the cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the diagnosis" all the other info is just "extra info"---this is a good point of .. not to read to much into it---just to do as the question asks :)


Well-Known Member
I have come across a few trick questions --but since this one says "Code the cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the diagnosis" all the other info is just "extra info"---this is a good point of .. not to read to much into it---just to do as the question asks :)
Thanks for the response Rosetta - my problem is this is way to much of a tricky question if that is the case - which they tells us they never do. I understand your point when it reads "code the cardiopulmonary resuscitation" but this question has a E/M for one of the answers and also there is clearly a HEM here. If we are being tested on guidelines for CPC - I don't understand why they would include this in the scenario. This question does not appear to be testing on guidelines - just my opinion.