Hi Ladies: I hope this bumps this conversation. We've been seeing a few Chiropractic people after hours for emergencies and when we get our ERA's back from BCBSIL they deny the 99050 as "not paid separately". I've called them and they said they don't know if it's just not covered of if we are billing incorrectly. I've searched news on this and it all says you should code the "after hours" call WITH the service being performed. In this case a 98940 (CMT 1-2 regions). In our case, we billed a 99212-25 (Established pat exam), a 99050 (after hours), and a 98940 (CMT 1-2 regions). The question would be, do I need to do anything else or am I dealing with a medical review policy issue? It may be closer to Policy since they are saying we can't bill the patient. I don't care if they pay or apply it to deductible. I would like to be able to charge the patient for it. In this case, we cannot due to our contract with BCBSIL. Thoughts?