Q #8: A doctor bills both preventative and office visit. The problem is, my son was a patient and I was in the room. There is NO way both were done and NO way they could have enough documentation to have separate notes. Do I say something?
A: Laureen: I would ask for a copy of the documentation. Sometimes, they can pack a lot in a small amount of documentation in a small amount of time, but I mean you’re a coder you know. If you brought him in for a well visit and you don’t mention it was a problem addressed. If they could do a history and exam and a medical decision making blip in addition to the preventative visit note, then it’s possible you could have both. My rule of thumb is, my little rhyme that I teach is, if you don’t have a HEM, you can’t bill an E/M – meaning a regular E/M. So, I’d ask to see the documentation. If you want to email it to us we’ll take a look and put our vote on it.
Alicia: Don’t tell ‘em you’re doing that, though [laughs].
School for Medical Coding | Coding and Billing Certification – Video

Q #9: Do you have to have a certificate from a school in order to take the exam?
A: Laureen: No. As of now, anyone can take the CPC exam. AHIMA has some different rules, I haven’t stayed completely on top of what their requirements are, but they’ve got a very well written candidate handbook. So, just go to AHIMA.org. Go to the credential that you want and they’ll give you all that, but for AAPC, no. You don’t even – you could sign up and be a hairdresser today and have never taken a coding course, of course you won’t pass but you can.
Alicia: I happen to know that AHIMA, if you’re going to take the RHIT or the RHIA, you do have to have or will be getting in the very near future a degree, an associates and a bachelor’s degree. But I believe the CCS they’re like the AAPC where they said it would be best, I think, if you want to double check them, but for the other two (RHIT and RHIA) you do have to have a degree or about to complete one.
Q #10: Does the ICD-10 full course come with an ICD-10 book?
A: No. We don’t like to bundle things like that. We feel like a lot of the students may have it and some won’t. It gets all tricky that way, so it is not bundled into our prices. Plus, you can get them cheaper than we can.
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