Q#28: Could we do a session on contraceptive management, a biggie for me. [Laughs]
Alicia: A: Yeah. I answered that one and the thing. It’s like, put it in the forum and be more specific what you’re needing. Well, we’ll go research it.
Laureen: Yeah. Codingcertification.org/forum use that forum that says, “Webinar Q&A” if you put it in there. And give us a case. Give us some meat to try and code, that will be helpful.
Alicia: And someone wants to know, in the transcript, does this all would be coming in? Yes.
Laureen: Yes. We do have a Replay Club that’s $10 a month and what you get is a full video replay of the webinar, in addition to it being broken up into nice clips that you can get right to the subject you want. It comes to your iTunes podcast if you so choose. Boyd puts it into audio only and you get a full beautiful transcript, I think with even slide, little snippets.
Physician Based Medical Coding Course – Webinar Replay – Video

That’s a huge value for just $10 a month. We highly recommend you do that. We don’t have a free – we’ll actually kind of do because Boyd will also put up some clips in our
YouTube channel which is free and it sort of kind of has a transcript in the – what do you call it Boyd?
Boyd: In the transcription, annotations. Yeah.
Laureen: In the annotations. Thank you. This particular one could be three or four months down the road because that’s our free channel, but for the paid one we get it done, I think its within a couple of weeks, right Boyd?
Boyd: You betcha.
Laureen: Alright. More pressure.
Alicia: Another point is the Replay Club is provided to when you’re one of our students in the PVC course that’s another freebie you get, is access to the Replay Club, another one of those great perks for the whole year. In the transcript, yeah that’s free. That’ll get sent to you guys because you get the – just where they were showing…
Laureen: No. Transcript isn’t free.
Alicia: Janet was asking. Let’s see. Was the transcript free of charge? She is listening, she got it.
Laureen: OK. Let’s see.
Q#29: Where can I get certified for HEDIS?
A: I don’t know.
Alicia: I put a little note in there, reply to that one. That’s another one that would be fantastic for the forum and let us do some research for you, because we’ll take the time to check and see if there’s some places that are more reputable than others because you’re probably not going to be the only one that would ask that. Give us a little time to look at
Laureen: Q#30: What can I use to prep for practice management questions for CPC?
A: That category is kind of a hodgepodge of things. We have found that chapter I of the textbook that we use for the Physician Based Medical Coding Course which is basically from the AAPC is where those questions come from. It’s kind of generic questions called the “The Business of Medicine,” and we do have in our CEU class area where we lecture on that So, these are all of our different CEU classes. Here it is, course “The Business of Medicine.” If you come here, you can just get this one chapter, you don’t have to take our whole course and you’ll learn the difference between Medicare A, B, C, and D that talks about HIPAA. The major components of managed health care. These are all similar things, and this chapter is only $40.
Find out More information about Physician Based Coding Course – Webinar Replay
Physician Based Coding Course – Video