Medical coding question on cardiovascular stents, okay. “Laureen, I’m the very fortunate recipient of your Blitz prize from attending the webinar. Yay! I’m having difficulty coding stents. I know they’re a pain along with other procedures performed in a non-coronary vessel. As I understand it, for non-coronary, we need to code all the components plus the radiological supervision separately. So would you mind working through an example?
Medical Coding Question On Cardiovascular Stents

Okay so she gave me right renal artery that had a catheter placement arteriography PTCA and a stent. So assuming you’re coming off the aorta which is the main branch, the main vessel and then you’re hooking a right or a left into the renal artery, that would be considered a first order catheterization. So that’s going to be code 36245 – Selective catheter placement in the arterial system because it’s renal artery. And it’s each first ordered abdominal, pelvic or lower extremity branch within a vascular family. Then for the stent, it’s going to be the 37205 – Transcatheter placement of intravascular stent. And then for the PTCA, it’s going to be the 35471. That’s your transluminal balloon angioplasty, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty is what the abbreviation stands for. And then for the imaging, it’s the 75960, probably with a modifier 26 for the transcatheter introduction of the stents.
This is for the radiological supervision and interpretation. So sometimes, when you’re reading it, it sounds like the procedure itself when it’s actually the radiological piece. Okay so that’s how you do that. Vascular stuff is really hard and I would probably need like a good whole hour just to go over how to get going on these. But I think this is good to kind of help you piece it together to get you started on it. Oh and I did want to… you were right about it being component coding and I did do a Google search and pulled up a PDF. So let me see, where is my search?
If you are looking for medical coding help and Google non-coronary stent coding, you’ll find this PDF and it really explained it very well on the website. Medical coding question on cardiovascular stents, okay. “Laureen, I’m the very fortunate recipient of your Blitz prize from attending the webinar. Yay! I’m having difficulty coding stents. I know they’re a pain along with other procedures performed in a non-coronary vessel. As I understand it, for non-coronary, we need to code all the components plus the radiological supervision separately. So would you mind working through an example? Okay so she gave me right renal artery that had a catheter placement arteriography PTCA and a stent. So assuming you’re coming off the aorta which is the main branch, the main vessel and then you’re hooking a right or a left into the renal artery, that would be considered a first order catheterization.
So that’s going to be code 36245 – Selective catheter placement in the arterial system because it’s renal artery. And it’s each first ordered abdominal, pelvic or lower extremity branch within a vascular family. Then for the stent, it’s going to be the 37205 – Transcatheter placement of intravascular stent. And then for the PTCA, it’s going to be the 35471. That’s your transluminal balloon angioplasty, Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty is what the abbreviation stands for. And then for the imaging, it’s the 75960, probably with a modifier 26 for the transcatheter introduction of the stents. This is for the radiological supervision and interpretation. So sometimes, when you’re reading it, it sounds like the procedure itself when it’s actually the radiological piece. Okay so that’s how you do that. Vascular stuff is really hard and I would probably need like a good whole hour just to go over how to get going on these. But I think this is good to kind of help you piece it together to get you started on it. Oh and I did want to… you were right about it being component coding and I did do a Google search and pulled up a PDF. So let me see, where is my search? If you are looking for medical coding help and Google non-coronary stent coding, you’ll find this PDF and it really explained it very well on the website.