Medical Coding Exam Preparation

Pass the CPC® Exam On Your Next Attempt – Without Fear, In The Required Time, And With Ease Using Our Medical Coding Review Blitz!

Looking to become a Certified Professional Coder? Maybe this is your first time taking the CPC® exam. Maybe you have failed before and this is your second or third time trying to get certified. Either way, you are desperate for any method that you could use to improve your chances of passing the medical coding exam. Well, I have good news…

You’ve Come to the Right Place for Medical Coding Certification!

The Medical Coding Review Blitz is both a review of the subject matter and a guide to doing well on the medical coding certification exam. You will not only have an exhaustive review of all the various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures covered on the exam, the program will also demonstrate ways to go through the process of taking the exam in the most efficient manner, making best use of the time allowed. Since this is an open-book exam, the program teaches you my proprietary BHAT® method. This technique explains how to mark and highlight your coding manual to make it easier to choose the correct answer of the choices given for any question on the exam. You’ll see how to best manage some questions you might find more difficult than others.

  • Qualified Medical Coder (QMC®) exam by QPro
  • Certified Professional Coder (CPC®) exam by the AAPC
  • Certified Coding Specialist-Physician Based (CCS-P) exam by AHIMA
  • Certified Medical Coder (CMC®) exam by PMI
CPC Exam Preparation
CPC Exam Preparation

Exam Prep for CPC® | CCS-P | CMC | QMC®

This website is not endorsed by, affiliated, authorized, or sponsored by the AAPC.
CPC® is a registered trademark of AAPC.

Includes The BHAT® System

BHAT® (pronounced ‘bat’) stands for “Bubble, Highlight and Annotate Technique“. This is a proprietary system, which is used in connection with our educational services, created by Laureen Jandroep in 1999 that uses bubbling, highlighting and annotation techniques to help students quickly find key answers in their manuals during the open book CPC® exams.

Instead of flipping back and forth between pages where the guidelines are, the answers are right next to the codes when a student takes the certification exam. Students have stated the BHAT® system gave them the confidence they needed to pass the exam. Another plus: the BHAT® system also helps coders in their day to day coding work! [Learn More]

“Can you hear me screaming from the roof top??!! I passed my CPC certification on the very first try! I am so thankful for your Blitz videos and practice exams. I just found out today that I actually passed the test.”

– Brittany Pendleton

Why the Medical Coding Review Blitz Is So Helpful

  • They prepare you to pass the medical coding certification exam ON THE FIRST TRY
  • They teach you our proprietary BHAT® method to help you use your manuals during the test – and after during your daily coding work
  • Watching online videos are cheaper and less stressful than attending live events
  • They help increase your confidence about passing the CPC® exam
  • You can fit watching the videos into your own schedule
  • Easier to digest/take in the information on video than at a live event
  • You can pause the videos to take notes
  • You can rewatch the videos in the areas you need to work on
  • If it’s a medical coding area that you feel comfortable with, you can skip it and save time studying
  • You can spend more time studying problem areas
  • You can get started NOW with instant access to the online videos!

“I’ve never been any happier than ever. I finally passed my CPC exam! After my 3rd attempt of taking my exam and failing I decided to invest into the CCO study tools provided for the CPC exam. Surely enough I’ve never felt more confident in taking the exam and surely enough I passed!”

Daniela Onate, Student

Salary Data Reveals More Certifications = Higher Salary

A recent salary survey by the AAPC revealed that the more AAPC credentials you carry, the higher your salary. It’s also common for peers to place greater value and trust on individuals with more credentials.

In case you’re curious, here are the average salaries for medical business professionals with one, two and three credentials.

What’s Included With This CPC Exam Preparation

15 Hour Training

This is a 15-hour Review Blitz video training of medical coding which helps you refine, refresh and review your knowledge of essential medical coding concepts in preparation for the AAPC CPC® exam.

Self-Paced, Online Courses

All our courses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any internet-enabled device. You can learn at your own pace and rewind whenever necessary to re-learn topics.

9 Months of Continuous Access

We include 9 months (270 days) of continuous access to the course. If you decide to take a break, you can always return anytime within those 9 months to pick up where you left off.

Easy to Understand Style

We know it can be hard to learn coding material. That’s why we pride ourselves on our “easy to understand” teaching style. Keeping you engaged and learning is our top priority.

ICD-10-CM Review Blitz

With over 20 hours of video training, our ICD-10-CM Review Blitz Component is the perfect way to refresh, refine and review ICD-10-CM coding.

CCO Mini-Mock Practice Exam

We include access to one (1) 60 Question Mini-Mock Practice Exam so you can test your knowledge and readiness for the exam. Additional Ruby, Topaz or Sapphire Practice Exams can be purchased separately if you require additional preparation..

Exam Strategy and Tips

Exam strategy training videos like “The Art of Skipping”, “Process of Elimination” and “Time Management” will give you the edge you need to improve your chances of success by an average of 10 points or more.

Anatomy & Physiology Crash Course Videos

Do you need a quick refresher on Anatomy and Physiology? In case you do, we’ve included 40+ videos covering tissue, integumentary, nervous system, muscles, respiratory system and more.

Live Group Webinars

Our instructors meet with many students on a live “group webinar” via video conferencing to answer all course and career questions. As a full course student you’re invited to call or log in and ask questions during the live event.

Student Support Forums

Our Student Support Forums are where students, staff and instructors can meet virtually inside a private discussion area to ask questions or simply chat about course topics and news.

Meet Your Certified Medical Coding Review Blitz Instructors

Alicia Scott

CPC, CPC-I, CRC, CCO Education Director

Alicia has been working with medical coding for almost ten years. Through the years she has held several jobs in the medical field from, CNA, EMT, Pharmacy technician and Medical Records Abstractor and Analyst. She joined the AAPC and became certified as a CPC® in 2011, a CPC-I® in 2013 and a CRC® in 2015.
Alicia lived in West Texas but has moved back to Missouri where her husband is attending Concordia Seminary. While in Texas she taught medical coding, billing and medical law and ethics at a private college. During her time in Texas she also did contract work in HCC Risk Adjustment and discovered she really enjoyed ICD work. Because she loves to learn, Alicia is working towards her Masters in Health Care Administration with an emphasis on education. Having taken many online classes through the years to complete her degree she feels very comfortable with both face to face and online learning. Alicia will tell you that not only does she love medical coding but she has a passion for teaching it.

Medical Coding Review Blitz Contents

  • Each video is between 20 – 60 minutes in length
  • Enough to completely cover each section while at the same time allowing you to take breaks between sessions covering a specific topic.
  • You can then go on to the next topic or play the last video again.
  • Each section refers to your CPT® manual so you can follow along and see how to best use your book during the exam. After all it is an open book exam. You’ll be able to find the codes you need in the shortest time.
  • Proprietary BHAT® Technique: how to mark and highlight your CPT® and ICD coding manual to make it easier to choose the correct answer of the choices given for any question on the exam.
  • A complete, comprehensive review of what is covered on the CPC® exam: an exhaustive review of all the various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures covered on the exam.
  • A guide to doing well on the exam: the program will also demonstrate ways to go through the process of taking the exam in the most efficient manner, making best use of the time allowed.
  • How to best manage some questions you might find more difficult than others.
  • How you can look up codes during your exam relating to diagnoses and procedures in the most efficient manner.
  • How to take the exam: the mindset needed to not focus on the ‘little things” but focus on the important of coding guidelines.

“I am absolutely certain that I would not have passed without this course. Thank you for putting this course together so fluently and easy to understand. I have recommended it to a couple of colleagues who have their upcoming certification exam in December. I appreciate that each of you saw the need for even intelligent people needing help with this very rigorous exam.

Well, I finally did it!!! 3rd Time was indeed the charm.”


“CPC Review Blitz and BHAT® system definitely helped me pass the CPC exam on my first try! Thank You so much for all of your exam strategy tips.”

Tina P.

Detailed Overview of the Medical Coding Review Blitz Contents

  • 01 – Introduction to the Exam and Time Management: This is an overview and the video you would play first. It’s about what to expect at the exam, how many sections, the time allowed and efficient time management strategies. It gives details on how to prepare your coding manual for efficient referencing since this is an open-book test. It also describes a system of dealing with questions that appear difficult so as not to waste precious time during the exam.
  • 02 – Medical Terminology: Since coding requires knowing the names of medical procedures, as well as basic human anatomy, this section covers how medical terms are formulated. Emphasis is placed on meanings of various prefixes and suffixes as various root words used in naming medical conditions and procedures.
  • 03 – HCPCS:  Medical supplies and durable medical equipment used in treating patients. Medical transport (ambulance). Splints and orthotic devices. Pathology and laboratory procedures. Medicare and Non-Medicare codes. Medicaid only codes. Letter= designated codes (F codes, Q codes, etc.) Drug codes. (using the appendix of your coding manual)
  • 04 – Coding Guidelines and Practice Management:  How to prepare for the 6 questions on coding guidelines and 6 questions on practice management. Mostly these questions are around the ICD codes.
  • 05 – Modifiers Section: You will learn how to group modifiers by type, explain the difference between global package modifiers, EM only modifiers, # of surgeon modifiers, etc, apply knowledge immediately for on the job use and for use in preparing for CPC® certification exam. Bonus: Modifier Grid Job Aide (worthy of laminating!)
  • 06 – E&M Section:  There are six questions on E&M (Evaluation and Management) on the CPC® exam. Whether the patient is an in-patient. What exactly is a consultation and how to code accordingly? What are critical care codes? What defines a nursing facility, what exactly an emergency department is, etc. Practice worksheets are provided.
  • 07 – Anesthesia Section:  This part of the program covers the highlights of Anesthesia coding needed for the CPC® certification exam. You will understand the difference between general, regional, local anesthesia and how to code them as well as conscious sedation. You will know what to do if there was more than one procedure done during an operative session.
  • 08 – Radiology Section:  This section is about x-rays and diagnostic imaging, including MRI and PET scans. Watch this video and you will understand what constitutes a procedure with contrast, when injections can be billed for, ultrasound coding, radiation oncology and nuclear medicine coding.
  • 09 – Path & Lab Section:  Codes for diagnostic laboratory procedures from blood chemistry to surgical biopsies. The highlights of this video are pathology consults, surgical pathology, panels, the difference between qualitative and quantitative tests and more.
  • 10 – Medicine Section:  The highlights of this large section of the CPT® Manual are covered. Come away with tips for coding ophthalmology, psychology, chiropractic, physical therapy and more. Covers general medical conditions and infectious diseases and prescription medications. The cardiovascular procedures are covered in video #14 Cardiovascular Surgery.
  • 11 – Integumentary System:  The term ‘integumentary’ refers to all ‘breach of skin’ surgical procedures. This video provides an introduction to surgery coding in general including discussion about open and closed procedures (a favorite exam concept) and the global surgery package. Then you will delve into the integumentary surgery section in detail. You will know when to add codes together and when to report them separately. You will understand that an intermediate repair is not just for layered repairs, all breast procedures are covered.
  • 12 – Musculoskeletal System:  This video covers dislocation and fracture coding, when you can code for casts and strapping, bunionectomy coding, and wound exploration procedures. The video also demonstrates the “stacking” technique for coding of spine procedures.
  • 13 – Respiratory System – Cardiovascular System:  Includes all respiratory problems such as asthma and COPD for which medical care is sought. After a brief anatomy review you will be taken to the respiratory section of the CPT® manual and be shown the areas that tend to be the area of focus for the CPC® certification exam. Coding applicable to all medical and surgical treatments of heart diseases and conditions. After a brief anatomy review you will be taken to the cardiovascular section of the CPT® manual and be shown the areas that tend to be the area of focus for the CPC® certification exam. Specifically pacemaker/defibrillator coding, CABG coding, coronary angioplasty coding, and cardiac catheterization coding to name a few
  • 14 – Digestive System:  Covers conditions of the esophagus, stomach small and large bowels and the rectum. After a brief anatomy review you will be taken to the digestive section of the CPT® manual and be shown the areas that tend to be the area of focus for the CPC® certification exam. Scope procedures dominate this section. You’ll see some key notes you’ll want to write in your CPT® manual so they jump out at you when you are taking the CPC® certification exam.
  • 15 – Urinary – Genital System:  Coding for kidney, bladder and urinary tract conditions. Specifically urodynamics, kidney procedures, ureter and bladder procedures are discussed. After a brief anatomy review you will be taken to the urinary section of the CPT® manual and be shown the areas that tend to be the area of focus for the CPC® certification exam. Also In this segment the male and female genital system procedures are discussed with emphasis on prostate procedures, tricky definitions related to vulvectomies, hysterectomy coding and maternity coding.
  • 16 Endocrine/Nervous/Eye/Ear System System:  After a brief anatomy review you will be taken to the endocrine and nervous sections of the CPT® manual and be shown the areas that tend to be the area of focus for the CPC® certification exam. You’ll discover the “butterfly” technique for coding procedures of the thyroid and the “stacking” technique for coding procedures of the spine and covers skull base surgery, neurostimulator coding and nerve block procedures. After a brief anatomy review you will be taken to the eye and ear sections of the CPT® manual and be shown the areas that tend to be the area of focus for the CPC® certification exam. Specifically eye removal, keratoplasty coding, cataract coding and ocular adnexa coding are discussed for the eye. For the ear emphasis is on the ear tube surgery (tympanoplasty).

Bonus Content & Extra Resources

  • 60 Question CPC Practice Exam (ICD-10 version)
  • Online 60 Question CPC Practice Exam (with ICD-10-CM)
  • Path & Lab CPT® Codes 80300 – 80304 Explained
  • Review of X {EPSU} Modifiers (modifier 59 alternatives)
  • How To Handle Multiple Code Answers
  • ICD-10-CM SIRS, Sepsis, and Severe Sepsis Chart
  • ICD-10-CM Otitis Media Chart
  • Student Support Hub
  • Instructor Coaching and Support
  • Compliance & Regulatory: Questions on CPC Exam
  • Compliance & Regulatory: NCCI Edits
  • Compliance & Regulatory: Place of Service Codes
  • Compliance & Regulatory: NCD/LCD
  • Compliance & Regulatory: RVU’s
  • Compliance & Regulatory: Medicare Parts A, B, C and D
  • Compliance & Regulatory: What is an ABN?
  • Compliance & Regulatory: What is HIPAA?
  • Compliance & Regulatory: Fraud and Abuse
  • Compliance & Regulatory: Apply Coding to Payment Policy

Students Reviews of Our Medical Coding Review Blitz

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CPC Exam Preparation

Medical Coding Review Blitz (Package)
Make a Single Payment Today
24/7 Instant, Online Access
ICD-10-CM Review Blitz ($179 Value)
60 Question Practice Exam
BHAT® Cave
Student Support Hub (SSH) Forum Support
9 Months of Access
Books/Manuals Not Included. See Required Books Here.
Medical Coding Review Blitz (CPT Only)
Make a Single Payment Today
(Does Not Include ICD-10-CM Review Blitz Component or 60 Question Practice Exam)
24/7 Instant, Online Access
BHAT® Cave
Student Support Hub (SSH) Forum Support
9 Months of Access
Books/Manuals Not Included. See Required Books Here.

Need to Learn Medical Coding from Scratch?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There a Textbook Included for The Medical Coding Review Blitz?

No. Students will need to supply their own manuals for this Blitz. You’re welcome to purchase from our bookstore or another supplier. Click here to see the books required for this Blitz.

Are There Any CEUs Included?

No, there are no CEUs included with this Medical Coding Review Blitz. If you need CEU’s, please consider joining the CCO Club.

Are There Any Pre-Requisites For This Review Blitz?

Yes. Students should have a prior foundation of medical coding since this Review Blitz functions as a review of medical coding material and CPC exam preparation. Core fundamentals are not taught in this Review Blitz. If you need full CPC training, click here to see our full course.

Can I Download or Play the Videos Offline?

Videos can only be played while connected to a high-speed internet connection. We do not allow videos to be downloaded or played offline.

When Will the Medical Coding Review Blitz Be Available for Viewing?

The Medical Coding Review Blitz is already complete and live. You can watch them immediately after ordering.

Is This Review Blitz Structured Like a Bootcamp or Live Webinar?

No, all the lessons have been pre-recorded by our Certified Instructor and will be available for replay via any modern internet-enabled device.

Do You Offer Any Payment Plans?

Since most students use this Review Blitz to prepare shortly before testing, we do not offer payment plans.

Is the Cost of The AAPC’s CPC Certification Exam Included?

No. You will need to purchase the CPC exam directly from the AAPC website.

What Is the Refund or Cancellation Policy?

Due to the instant availability of internet-based training, CCO does not provide refunds or cancellations on any of our products including Courses, Review Blitzes, Practice Exams, Bundles, CEU Classes, Combos or CCO Club payments.

Where Can I Learn More About CCO?

Since 1999, we’ve been proudly training thousands of students to help them pass their certification exams. If you feel the need to see examples of our teaching style, please visit our YouTube channel with hundreds of videos and over 2 million views. If you would like to read past student reviews on our products, you’re welcome to read through hundreds of testimonials.