CodingCertification.Org is about coding but I thought they are related, I get this question a lot lately, “will your course help me to know how to do medical billing and coding?” No it will teach you how to do coding. I use to teach medical billing but its really not my area of expertise because the billing I did was for OT and PT and its like six codes. So billing for physicians and other entities can be quite complicated.
Medical Billing Company Advice Video

So let me read the question: “What can I do for my medical billing company I have had for a year, but not able to get a provider to give me an opportunity? We have a total of 14 years of experience in the medical billing field and I am pushing to get my certification. My business consultant even told me to call different medical billing companies to see if they will sub-contract with my company and there has been no luck on that. Can somebody please help me, I would like to be successful in my business”.
So, I did decide to get a guest person to answer this. This is from Cindy Weston who runs the American Medical Billing Association, and her contact information is at the bottom here and so this is what she shared with the group:
“There are a number of things you can do. Get certified! (I like that) Doctors understand education and the need for continuing education. They realize that certification requires you to complete extra hours each year to maintain it. Being certified demonstrates your commitment to learning and ascribing to higher ethical and professional standards. It also helps you build confidence in knowing you have a good foundation and skills to continue building. And its an effective point you can highlight in your marketing strategy.
Realize it’s a numbers game, the more ‘no’s’ you hear, the closer you are to a ‘yes’. Its not one thing you do when marketing, rather, its everything you do from talking with people in your church to handling out your business cards. Your most important job at this point is getting a provider to bill for. Try making 30 calls an hour for 2 hours each day to set an appointment. Eventually, you will set an appointment. Be prepared. Take examples of reports you can provide. Be a problem solver.
Try to find out what the single biggest reimbursement problem is and then focus on fixing that problem. Don’t try to sell on the phone, reserve that for an in-person meeting. Use the first meeting for fact-finding and be prepared to provide the doctor with a HIPPA business associate agreement that is signed and ready so he/she will be more willing to discuss issues. Don’t expect to sign a contract on the first visit. Speaking of business cards, use the front and back. Turn them into a mini brochure. Give them out to everyone. Get a reference letter, all the gold foil in the world will not work better than one or two well written reference letters you can attach to your direct mail. Build a website and get it listed with search engines. Use Facebook and other social media. Write a white paper and link it to your website. Press release your accomplishments. We often have members that employ other members so joining an association is important, its also the first place you can go when you have questions, need assistance, resources etc.
Ok this is her contact information, its so I thought I would throw that in there, not that we are going to get ready to entertain a whole lot of medical billing questions but I did want to help that individual.
I agree, it looks like coding certification. To me that means the 4-6 weeks worth of billing. That is a weird way to do it. But I agree with the others, getting paid for my worth and the time I spent doing the billing. Thanks