A recent webinar atendee asked: Will the Blitz Videos work to help me pass the AHIMA CCS-P Exam too?
The answer: YES!
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How to Pass The AHIMA CCS-P Exam

A recent webinar atendee asked: Will the Blitz Videos work to help me pass the AHIMA CCS-P Exam too?
The answer: YES!
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Need help please, study guide for ccs-p for prep exam taking exam in February 2022
CCS-P is similar to the CPC exam.
It is AHIMAs Physician coding exam.
You can use the CPC Blitz to prepare.
What does Blitz teach?
This is both a review of the subject matter and a guide to doing well on the exam. You will not only have an exhaustive review of all the various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures covered on the exam, but the program will also demonstrate ways to go through the process of taking the exam in the most efficient manner, making the best use of the time allowed. Since this is an open-book exam, the program teaches you my proprietary BHAT® stands for “Bubble, Highlight and Annotate Technique”. This technique demonstrates how to mark and highlight your coding manual to make it easier to choose the correct answer of the choices given for any question on the exam. You’ll see how to best manage some questions you might find more difficult than others.