Important Note: The information provided about CEUs on this page is out of date.
Laureen: For those who don’t know – most people know now, that’s why we’ve seen an increase in our attendance – our little Q&A webinar that we do every month is now worth one CEU by the AAPC per year, which if you attend every single one that’s 12 free CEUs. That’s pretty good, you can’t beat that; and we have a lot of fun and it’s one of the few webinars out there that’s done in the evening. So, most of the ones are done during the day, that might be harder for you to get to because of work.
Other ways to get AAPC CEUs are Medical Terminology & Anatomy Course (MTA) 40 CEU’s! This is becoming popular these days with everyone preparing for ICD-10 that’s coming in a year, and everyone’s going to brush up on your anatomy and your medical terminology. This medical coding course is really good because it uses the only textbook that I know of written by coders for coders. And it has the benfit of preparing you for ICD-10. That’s a really great course for that.
How to Get Medical Coding CEU’s – Video

The Review Blitz Video, for those preparing for their CPC exam is worth 15 CEUs now; so once you get certified, if you come back and you take the 150 question test, you can get 15 CEUs. Now, if you purchased the Blitz prior to getting certified, which most people do, we have an upgrade option for you to take the test after you’ve been certified because that’s what the AAPC needs to see, that it’s after you’ve been certified. You can email the helpdesk and Sylvia will help give you the link for that. I think it’s, correct me if I’m wrong in the chat Sylvia, l think it’s $30-$60 something like that.
Then, we have CEU Classes (On Demand), and these are basically our CPC course and eventually our other medical coding courses are broken out by their individual topics and submitted for CEU credit and approved, and they range from 1 to 4 CEUs each. Just to give you an idea, let me pull that up and you can see this here… We went from just having like 2 CEU offerings to all these. So, Anesthesia – 2 CEUs, Business of Medicine – 1.5, Cardiovascular- 4.5; so if you don’t need, like we had someone who did purchase the Blitz and she needed to get 6 CEUs and she didn’t want to take the 150 question test again, which I don’t blame her. I said, “Well, did you look at the ones that we have broken out? If you just need 6, just take 2 small ones.” She’s “Ah, perfect.” So, there’re lots of options here based on what you need. And if you ever have any questions or want recommendations email our Help Desk, we’re more than happy to help you and steer you in the right direction. You can see all of our products at this URL /product.
Get More Details about Medical Coding CEU
Medical Coding CEU Webinar – Video
AAPC – Medical Coding CEU