Dysphasia vs. Dysphagia and Ectropion vs. Entropion VIDEO

This is the first time this has ever happened so thank you, John. He just said, “Not a question, something to note.” So he wanted to share with the membership that the difference between dysphagia and dysphasia. And I know this pretty well because I am an occupational therapist by training and that’s what I did before I got into coding and in nursing homes. So we got orders all the time for speech therapists for dysphasia versus dysphagia. Can you imagine? And yes, even physicians wrote it down wrong. When they wanted a speech evaluation, they wrote the one with the ‘g’ and when they want a swallowing eval, they wrote the one with the ‘s’. So thank you for that and these are the 2 codes so you might want to note that in your coding manuals, the difference between those similar terms.
And then ectropion versus entropion, the turning out of the eyelid versus the turning in of the eyelid. And the codes there are 67914 versus 67921. So thank you for sharing.