Do You Have Free Medical Coding CEUS?
Starting in 2024, we now offer 1 free CEU to anyone that attends our live monthly Q&A webinars. Read more here.
If you need a bunch at once, you can join the CCO Club.
You must attend live to earn the CEU! There are no strings attached except for some time and commitment.
I am always looking for ways to obtain my required CEU’s! I love attending the monthly webinars not only for the free CEU’s but also for the valuable coding presentations and education that is delivered!
Every time I attend one of the CCO webinars, I learn so much. Usually, if I have a question, there will likely be someone on the webinar who has the same or similar question. It’s well worth your time to attend.
Hey Laureen,
I was trying to find E&M Medical Coding – How to Level E and M code (part 3).
Part 2 is the last one. There is no Part 3.
thank for the blog. medical coding is great career.