Q #20: When taking the CPC exam, can we still use the 2013 books or do we need 2014, since some of the codes have changed?
A: OK. Well, you want 2014. I have been told – “Oh, there’re not many changes for the ICD- 9 because you can probably get by using your 2013 because of ICD-10 coming.” And that may be true. In the past, they said you could sometimes get by with the previous year; but honestly it’s too much money to invest in something not to have the current manuals. If you have to borrow them, something, you really need to use the ones for the current year.
Q #21: Will CCO be offering practice tests for the CPB exam?
CPC and CPB Exam | Actual Heart Cath – Video

A: Yes.
Q #22: Would it help to actually see and visualize the sonograms that are taken during an actual heart cath?
A: Oh, yes. But to code it, maybe not. To know how it works and has the background and the experience? Yes. I watch procedures all the time. You can imagine what you can find on YouTube OrLive.org – amazing. Watch lots of surgeries, open heart surgeries, bypasses, all kinds of stuff, but then I don’t mind – the gory stuff doesn’t bother me, but there’s amazing stuff. Yes, all that is true.
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