Many of you have asked about coding cardiac catheterization and what type of procedure is it.
Because of your inquiries, I have created a free download for you.
Coding Cardiac Catheterization- Free Answer Sheet Download- VIDEO

Firstly,it is a diagnostic procedure.
Prior to 2011 you needed three pieces to code a cardiac catheterization.
You needed:
1) Catheterization code
2) Injection (of dye) code – 1 or more
3) Imaging code – 1 or more
Now, things are put together a little differently…
What you need to abstract is as follows:
1) Congenital or not
2) Which side of heart – right, left or both
3) Any add on procedures
Being the visual learner I am I had to put this in a chart. Your CPT Manual includes a chart as well on pages 493-496 but I like
looking at it based on which side of the heart is being catheterized and narrowing it down from there. For non-congenital things are bundled so one code represents the catheterization, the injection and the imaging.
If congenital then you are going to have one code for the catheterization (93530-93533) and contrast injection(s) are coded separately with 93563-93568.
There’s more in the downloadable answer sheet.
Go here and get your copy:
Happy Coding,
Do you have anything for 2015?
We are working on an update for 2016 – stand by.
good morning!
Would you please send me a Copy of your Cardiac Catherization Coding answer sheet.
Thank you kindly,
Mae Jones, CPC, CPC-I
You can request it here:
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