Laureen: OK. This is our big announcement. Literally we put this together today, we got word when we were at the AAPC conference that the PMCC license sites we’re going to be able to offer this new course, found out today that that’s going to be effective May 31st. So, we have decided to launch this course, this is for those who wants to become certified professional medical auditor or there’s other medical auditing credentials as well, but as you guys know we’re very key on AAPC. That course is going to start June 18. It’s going to be live class on Wednesday nights taught by Tamara Lucas, she’s one of our CPC-Is and she’s the one who also teaches our Facility Based Medical Coding Course, so she’s an excellent instructor.
Certified Professional Medical Auditor Training – Video

Deep, deep discount here; this is normally an $800-plus course. If you enroll by the end of this month you’re going to get it for $380.05. Why the weird number? Because that’s matching the AAPC’s price. They put in the exam and practice exams so we’re committed so you can really get started on this. If you want to lock in that price look for an email in the next day or so to be able to get ready for that June 18 class. It’s going to go for about ten weeks and you have lots of auditing practice. So we’re very excited about that announcement.